Diseases affecting orchid plants
1. Virus diseases
2. Fungus and bacterial diseases
3. Leaf spot
4. Pythium black spot
5. Botrytis flower spot
6. Root rot
7. Orchid pests
1.Virus diseases
First symptoms appear on young leaves as mottlles,chlorotic streaks, ring spots or colour -breaking in flowers.In extreme cases malformation of leaves and flowers.In some plants it produces necrotic spots which appear as sunken spots on the underside of leaves.
Control- Isolate the plant as infection may spread through sap-sucking insects. The cutting knife should be sterilized after using it on a suspected virus.
A 5.25% solution of sodium hypochlorite and mixture of 2% formaldehyde and 2%sodium hydroxide can be instantly inactivate virus particles. Trisodium phosphate dissolved in water is also effective.
2. Fungus and bacterial diseases
Organo mercurial compounds like Agrosan,Ceresan, Dithane, Captan are very effective.
3.Leaf spot
A few days after the infection sunken spots appear on the leaves which later turn brown. Damp atmosphere,warm temperature, and scarcity of light encourages the spread of the disease. Spraying Bordeause is very effective.
Pythium black spot
It affects the seedlings. Plants turn brown. Leaves fall away. Remove infected plants and dip in a fungicide like Ceresan and repot in a fresh medium. Do not water the plants for a few days. Keep the plant in a less humid condition.A mild solution of Aldrin once a month is a preventive measure.
Botrytis flower spot
Black spots appear on the flowers. Keep the plants in a low humid condition. Good ventilation and high temperature should be ensured.
Spraying with tetrachloroisophthalonitrile is very effective.
Root rot
Too much water can cause root rot.
soak the affected plants in fungicide after removing all rotted roots.
Orchid pests
Insects which causes damage to orchids are slugs, snails, cockroaches, grasshopers, bugs, mites etc. They inflict mechanical injuries to the plants, thus making way for pahtogens like bacteria to infect the plants.
BHC, Endrin, Aldrin etc are effective for controlling pests. Hand pick snails during night.Frequent application of insecticides is necessary to make sure that plants are growing healthy.
2. Fungus and bacterial diseases
3. Leaf spot
4. Pythium black spot
5. Botrytis flower spot
6. Root rot
7. Orchid pests
1.Virus diseases
First symptoms appear on young leaves as mottlles,chlorotic streaks, ring spots or colour -breaking in flowers.In extreme cases malformation of leaves and flowers.In some plants it produces necrotic spots which appear as sunken spots on the underside of leaves.
Control- Isolate the plant as infection may spread through sap-sucking insects. The cutting knife should be sterilized after using it on a suspected virus.
A 5.25% solution of sodium hypochlorite and mixture of 2% formaldehyde and 2%sodium hydroxide can be instantly inactivate virus particles. Trisodium phosphate dissolved in water is also effective.
2. Fungus and bacterial diseases
Organo mercurial compounds like Agrosan,Ceresan, Dithane, Captan are very effective.
3.Leaf spot
A few days after the infection sunken spots appear on the leaves which later turn brown. Damp atmosphere,warm temperature, and scarcity of light encourages the spread of the disease. Spraying Bordeause is very effective.
Pythium black spot
It affects the seedlings. Plants turn brown. Leaves fall away. Remove infected plants and dip in a fungicide like Ceresan and repot in a fresh medium. Do not water the plants for a few days. Keep the plant in a less humid condition.A mild solution of Aldrin once a month is a preventive measure.
Botrytis flower spot
Black spots appear on the flowers. Keep the plants in a low humid condition. Good ventilation and high temperature should be ensured.
Spraying with tetrachloroisophthalonitrile is very effective.
Root rot
Too much water can cause root rot.
soak the affected plants in fungicide after removing all rotted roots.
Orchid pests
Insects which causes damage to orchids are slugs, snails, cockroaches, grasshopers, bugs, mites etc. They inflict mechanical injuries to the plants, thus making way for pahtogens like bacteria to infect the plants.
BHC, Endrin, Aldrin etc are effective for controlling pests. Hand pick snails during night.Frequent application of insecticides is necessary to make sure that plants are growing healthy.