
Anthuriums are relatively easy to grow.They can be grown on the ground as well as in pots. They come in different colors- red,orange, purple, white, green, pink, peach etc. There are differences in the shapes of flowers also. Some are cupped, others flat. They haves vase life of up to two months.

Potting mix
Coconut pieces cut into small pieces, charcoal, brick pieces mixed with soil. These materials have good water retention capacity. Well drained soil is important to prevent rotting of stems and roots. Less watering causes tip of leaves to burn and root damage while over watering can cause root damage and sudden yellowing of leaves.

Plant care
Remove dead and unsightly foliage and faded or brown flowers.

Chemical as well as organic fertilizers can be used.
Preparation of organic fertilizer - Take cow dung dissolve it in water. Keep it for three days. filter it and to that add five times of water. Pour it to the plants. It will induce flowering. Compared to other foliage crops anthuriums needs more Magnesium. Regular foliar applications of Magnesium sources (Epsom salts, magnesium nitrate etc.) will help prevent Magnesium deficiencies. After applying liquid fertilizers a quick rinse with pure water is needed because liquid fertilizer left on foliage can damage leaves. Anthuriums grow best at day temperatures of 25-30 deg C, and night temperatures of 21-24 deg C. Excess temperature can cause foliar burning.

Pest control

Wiping the foliage and spraying it water can reduce the need of chemicals to contain pests.

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